Caio Cesar Esteves de Souza

Caio Cesar Esteves de Souza

Former Graduate Student in Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard University
  • Region: Iberia; Latin America
  • Time: 14th century; 15th century; 16th century; 17th century; 18th century
  • Theme: Colonialism; History of Empire; History of Gender and Sexuality; History of Religion; History of the Book; Maritime Humanities; Luso-Brazilian Literature and History

Before becoming a graduate student in Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard, I have studied the poetry produced in Portugal and Brazil during the eighteenth century for a few years. Even though I remain very interested in that period, my research focus has changed since 2019. Currently, I am particularly interested in the first encounters of many different civilizations that were caused by the arrival of the Europeans in the Americas during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Those first encounters of different Amerindian, African and European societies on American (lato sensu) soil produced a series of overlapping alterities that have reshaped the world during those crucial decades. My research, still in its early stages, will try to deal with that through a truly transdisciplinary perspective. 

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