Adriana Zenteno Hopp

Adriana Zenteno Hopp

Graduate Student in Latin American History, History Department
zenteno hopp
  • Region: Atlantic World; Iberia; Latin America
  • Time: 16th Century; 17th Century
  • Theme: Colonialism; Cultural History; History of Empire

    Born and raised in Bolivia, Adriana earned a B.A. in Spanish Literature and Latin American Studies from Grinnell College in 2017. In 2018 she joined Harvard’s PhD program in History, where she studies colonial Latin America. Her current research combines her interest in writing, orality and language with a profound desire to better understand the socio-cultural hybridity of the region. In particular, she is interested in how memory was managed in the Early Modern world; she wishes to explore how different social groups of 16th and 17thcentury colonial society imagined and conceptualized the past. Adriana hopes that exploring this question may allow us to recover the lost voices of previously unacknowledged historical actors.

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