Harvard Renaissance Colloquium: Shakespeare For All: Teaching and the Public Humanities


Thursday, February 18, 2021, 4:00pm to 5:15pm


Virtual Event

Shakespeare for All:

Maria Devlin McNair and Jeff Wilson Discuss a New Teaching Resource

Shakespeare For All is a new online audio series offering an engaging, accessible introduction to Shakespeare’s life, poetry, and plays, featuring interviews with leading Shakespearean scholars and original performances from Shakespearean actors. Its most recent course on The Merchant of Venice with Professor Stephen Greenblatt (Harvard University) and Katy Stephens (Associate Artist, Royal Shakespeare Company) was released in early 2021.

Join us as our own Maria Devlin McNair, creator of Shakespeare For All, and Jeff Wilson, one of its featured scholars, discuss how they channel a passion for teaching literature into an impressive public humanities endeavor.

Zoom link here.